Format Of Note Making For Class 11 CBSE With Example

Characteristics of good notes

Short and Compact: Good notes must be short and compact.
Complete Information: They must contain all the important information.
Logical: They must be presented in a logical way.
Understandable: They should be understandable when consulted at a later stage.

Mechanics of note making

While making notes we follow certain standard practices. These may be listed as follows:
(a) Heading and Sub-headings
(b) Abbreviation and Symbols
(c) Note-form
(d) Numbering and Indentation

Heading and sub-headings
The heading reflects the main theme whereas the sub-headings point out how it has been developed. The selection of proper heading and sub-heading reveals the grasp of the passage by the students. In the absence of proper assimilation of main ideas and subsidiary points it is impossible to make notes.

The heading will be based on the following considerations.

(i) What is the main idea of the passage?

(ii) Frame a heading based on the main idea.

(iii) Write it in the middle of the page.

3. Give subheadings

(i) How has the main idea been presented and developed?

(ii) Are there two or three subordinate/associated ideas?

(iii) Frame subheadings based on these.

4. Points are to be noted under each subheading.

Are there further details or points of the subtitles that you wish to keep in these notes? These are called points. Points may have subpoints.

5. All subheadings should be at a uniform distance from the margin.

6. Indenting – Points should also be at the same distance away from the margin.

7. Do not write complete sentences.

8. Abbreviations should be used.

Abbreviations and symbols
They are used for precision and economy of words and hence quite helpful in note-making. At least four recognisable abbreviations are to be used in note-making in your board examination.
These are essential components of note-making. Students often make use of abbreviations and symbols in doing their written work.

II. Help with abbreviations:

1. Use standard abbreviations and symbols as far as possible.

(i) Capitalise the first letters of the names of states, countries or organisations.

For example: UP, USA, UK and UNO.

(ii) Common abbreviations

Sc. (for science), Mr, Mrs, Dr, govt, BSc, etc.

(iii) Common symbols such as i.e., e.g., Rx, /, ∴ , +ve, -ve, → (leading to) ↑ (rising), ↓ (falling), =, >, <

(iv) Measurements and figures – 100″, 100′, 100 kg, 100 mm, 100 mL.

2. Make your own abbreviations.

(i) Keep the main sounds of the words: edn (education), progm. (programme).

(ii) It is a good practice to keep the first few and the last letters of the word such as education – edu’n, developing – dev’ing. Retain the suffix so that later when you are going over the notes, you may recall the full form of the word, for example: ed’nal (educational), prog’ve (progressive).

3. Take the following caution:

(i) Do not get overenthusiastic about abbreviations.

(ii) You should not abbreviate every word.

(iii) One abbreviation in one point is enough.

(iv) As a general rule, the heading should not be abbreviated.

(v) You may use abbreviations in subheadings.

Note. Confusing abbreviations should be avoided, e.g., the abbreviation ‘under’ may stand for understand, understood and understanding. Similarly ‘indst’ may stand for industry, industrial, industrious.

While making notes the whole information is listed in note-form in points only. Notes should not be written in complete sentences as we can’t remember the whole information. So only the main points are listed one under the other and numbered.
It implies the logical division and sub-division of the listed information by using figures, letters, dashes and spaces.
All examples and figurative speeches are eliminated.

Numbering and indenting
Indentation means leaving space at the beginning of a line of print or writing.
First write the title and then write down the notes in a logical order. From the main headings to the sub-headings, the numbering should be spaced a little to the right.

Note-making is a useful skill. You must develop it with constant practice. Notes form an essential part of your academic life and will serve you well in your School/Board examinations.

How to write note making

Follow the following steps:
Step 1 : (i)Read the passage carefully.
(ii)Try to get the theme and subject of the passage. You may ask yourself: “What is this passage about?” This will provide you the gist.
Step 2 : Read carefully. Identify main ideas and important supporting details.
Step 3 : Make notes of the main ideas under headings and add sub-points under sub-headings.
Step 4 : Use proper layout/format, e.g.,
(a) Indented, linear form
(b) Sequential form
(c) Tabular form
(d) Flow chart
(e) Pie chart, graphs or diagrams, etc.
Step 5 : Use recognisable abbreviations wherever possible

Types of Passages
The Note-making passage could be anyone of the following types
(i) Factual (550-600 words) A factual passage includes some facts about the physical aspects of a subject. It includes instructions, descriptions and reports. It helps the students to get a detailed view of the subject and develop a complete mental picture of a specific person, place, object or being.

(ii) Discursive (550-600 words) A discursive passage includes argumentative, interpretative and persuasive text. Such passages may include opinions or feedback. It allows students to arrive at a conclusion through reasoning and understanding rather than intuition. It presents a balanced and objective approach towards the subject being discussed.

Types of Questions
The Note-Making passage in the examination carries and is 550-600 words in length. It consists of two types of Questions
(i) Making Notes of the Given Passage This carries 5 marks split up into 3 marks for the actual notes, 1 mark for the title and 1 mark for the abbreviations listed (minimum 4 abbreviations). We can use title, heading, sub-headings and abbreviations while answer this question.

(ii) Write a Summary of the Given Passage The summary carries 3 marks. It should be grammatically correct and cover all the important points given in the notes. Word limit of the summary should be 80-100 words.

Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Note Making Class 11 Factual Passage 1

What actually is a robot? When different persons have different concepts of robots, the only way of deciding what really is a robot is to look for a definition of the term robot.

The dictionary meaning of a robot is that it is an automatic apparatus or device that performs functions ordinarily ascribed to human beings or operates with what appears to be almost-human intelligence. It is interesting to observe that this meaning does not give a human shape to the robot. In order to dramatise the fact that the robot does the work of a human being, a human shape is given to the robot in science-fiction stories and movies. The human shape is irrelevant as far as the functions of the robot are concerned.

The Robot Institute of America, which is an association of several robot manufacturers gives the following definition of an industrial robot.

“An industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialised devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety oftasks. ”

The key word in this definition is ‘reprogrammable’. This means that a robot is capable of being reprogrammed. This feature is the one that distinguishes it from a fixed automation. A fixed automation is designed to do one, and only one, specific task. If the specifications of the tasks change even slightly, the fixed automation becomes incapable of performing the task it was designed to perform according to one fixed specification. However, a robot can be reprogrammed to perform even when the specifications are changed drastically. The original program is simply erased and the new program takes care of the changed tasks.

The characteristic that a robot can be reprogrammed to handle a variety of tasks makes the robot a flexible device. Because of the flexibility offered by robots, manufacturing systems which use robots are called Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS).

Karel Capek was responsible for introducing the word robot. Sir Isaac Asimov is the one who coined the word robotics. According to Asimov, robotics is the science of dealing with robots. Hence robotics involves a scientific study of robots. The study includes design, selection of materials of proper quality for the components, fabrication, study of various motors required for moving the components, design of electronic circuits, computers and computer programming, and control of robots. Since robots and robotics are still in the developing stages, a considerable amount of research is required and is being pursued. Robotics involves various disciplines-mechanical engineering, material science, electronics, computer science, computer engineering, and control systems, to name just a few. Depending on the area in which robots are to be used, robotics includes disciplines such as biology, medical science, psychology, agriculture, mining, outer space engineering etc.

Basically, there are two types of robots: fixed and mobile. A fixed robot is attached to a stationary platform. A fixed robot is analogous to a human standing or sitting in one fixed location while doing his work with his hands. A mobile robot moves from place to place. Mobility is given to robots by providing wheels or legs or other crawling mechanisms. A mobile robot can be given a human shape, but the actual shape has nothing to do with the functions of the robot. Wheeled locomotion is good for smooth terrains. For rugged terrain, legged locomotion is preferable. A mobile robot should have at least three wheels or legs for stability.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply an appropriate title to it.


(a) Title Robots and Robotics-Introduction Notes

I. Robot Definition      
  (i) Dict meaning 

 (a) auto apparatus

 (b) performs funcs ascribed to humans

 (c) human shape irrelevant for       functioning 


 (ii) RIA defines robot

(a) reprogrammable – different from fixed automation
(b) Flexible – used in FMS

II. Robotics
(i) Karel Capek introduced word robot
(ii) Isaac Asimov defined Robotics – science dealing with robots
(iii) Study includes steps:
Design → Selection of mtrl → fabrication → motor selection → EC design → Computers and comp progmg Robot Ctrl
III. Disciplines involved in Robotics
(a) Electronics
(b) Material Science
(c) Computer Engineering
(d) Control Systems
(e) Mechanical Engineering
(f) Computer Science
IV. Robot Types
(i) Fixed
(a) stationary
(b) analogous to standing human
(ii) Mobile – mobility due to
(a) wheels – good for smooth terrain
(b) legs – good for rugged terrain

(c) another crawling mech

Key to Abbreviations





RIA-Robot Institute of America

FMS-Flexible Manufacturing Systems


EC-electronic circuits

comp progmg-computer programming

Ctrl- control

mech -mechanism

(b) Write a summary of the above passage in 80-100 words.
A robot is a flexible reprogrammable automatic device that works just like human beings and operates with almost man-like intelligence. Robotics is the scientific study of robots. It includes design, selection of proper materials, design of electronic circuits, computers and computer programming and controls.

Robotics is a combination of many disciplines – electronics, material science, computer engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering etc. Robots can be fixed or mobile. A mobile robot moves from place to place with the help of wheels or legs or other crawling mechanisms.

Note Making Class 11 Discursive Passage 1

Fasting, in some form or the other, is part of every religion. In Islam, it is called ‘roza’. The Arabic equivalent of ‘roza’ is sawm. Sawm literally means abstinence, i.e. to refrain from doing something. The ninth month of the Hijri calendar, i.e. Ramzan, has been especially chosen for fasting. Fasting during the month of Ramzan is obligatory for every Muslim, except when he has a genuine reason not to do so.

In every human being there are two faculties to take into consideration: one is desire and the other is reason. In all matters, the individual has to decide whether to follow his desire or his reason. The great merit in fasting is that it trains us to refrain from following our desires and instead always to bow to reason. That is the spirit of sawm.

According to the Prophet of Islam, one who fasts should never stoop to using abusive language; if someone abuses him, he should simply say ‘I am fasting’. Islamic fasting, as far as formal practice is concerned, is to abstain from food and drink. But the actual spirit of fasting is to refrain from indulging in negative thinking and the use of negative language.

Self-control, far from being a negative or passive action, has great value in human behaviour. In life, there are more than 50 per cent of occasions when one should refrain from action and less than 50 per cent of occasions when one should take action. This is the formula for success for both individuals and society.

Self-control is integral to social ethics. If you live alone on an island, there is no need for any control, as the absence of others leaves you free to do whatever you want to do. However, when you are living in a society, you have to give leeway to others. This is what every person on the road does when he drives a car: he either keeps to the left (or to the right depending upon which country he is in) so that he gives way to other cars and can carry on his journey without accidents. This principle is applicable to the entire life of an individual. It entails giving others the chance to live their lives while living one’s own life.

Self-control is a kind of mutual adjustment. When a person adopts the way of self-control, it is far-reaching in effect.

In this way he promotes the culture of self-control in society and indicates to others through his actions that they should follow the path that he is following.

Thus, the way of self-control leads to a better society, while lack of self-control in individuals leads to the destruction of peace. As far as the individual is concerned, self-control serves as a means of personality development. This way of life, in turn, saves others from unnecessary problems.

There is a ‘pre-control’ for exercising self-control and it is thinking. When a person adopts a life of self-control, at all times he first thinks about what path he should tread. Only after considerable thought does he plan out his course of action. A life lived in this way will necessarily be marked by creative thinking. In addition, self-control contributes to one’s intellectual development and turns one into a man of wisdom.

In Islam, fasting is worship – for God. Fasting is the kind of worship which is simultaneously for the sake of God and man. Thus, if fasting is observed in the right spirit, in all sincerity, it will make an individual pious and responsible.

Note Making Class 11 Discursive Passage Questions

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary. Supply an appropriate title to it.

(a) Title
 Traditional Culture of Self-restraint

I. Fasting

(i) roza in Islam

(ii) refrain from doing smth

(iii) Ramzan, ninth month of Hijri clnd

(iv) oblgtry for every Muslim

(v) train to refrain from folwg our desires, howto reason

(vi) worship – for God

(vii) observed in right spirit – make individual pious and responsible

II. Teachings of Islam

(i) during fasting

(a) should not use abusive lang

(b) abstain from food and drink

(c) refrain from-ve thkg

III. Self-control: Need and Importance

(i) great value in human behaviour

(ii) formula for success for indvls and society

(iii) integral to social ethics

(iv) a kind of mutual adjsmt

(v) lack of it leads to destruction of peace

(vi) means of personality devpt

IV. Exercising Self-Control

(i) ‘pre-control’ i.e. thkg

(ii) thoughtful course of action

(iii) marked by creative thkg

(iv) cntrbs to intellectual devpt

(v) makes man wiser

Key to Abbreviations


Write a summary of the above passage in 80-100 words.


Fasting is known as ‘roza’ in Islam, which means to refrain from doing something. It is obligatory for every Muslim, wherein one should refrain from using abusive language, negative thinking, food and drink. It is worship for God. Fasting basically teaches self-control, which is observed as a formula for success for individuals and society. Self-control is a kind of mutual adjustment and leads to personality development. Exercising self-control requires ‘pre-control’, that is thinking. It contributes to intellectual development and a thoughtful course of action to lead a wiser life.

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [NCT 2018]

1. Flexibility and mobility are essential not only to reduce the risk of injuries but to generally feel better. Living a nine to five desk life can be demanding on health and wellness. Here is how you can keep the most common problems at bay.

2. Even if you are not exercising you need to make sure that you maintain correct posture and sit at your desk in the right way. It is important that your chair is placed correctly and your legs are not left hanging. Proper alignment ensures that your neck and back are not strained. Exercises and abdominal crunches two to three times a week can strengthen the core. It will help take the pressure off your back and will make it easier to maintain good posture. Chairs with a back that support your upper back are preferable for those who work long hours in front of screens.

3. Constant typing, writing reports, and answering e-mails can exert your wrists leading to long-term damage. The frequency of your use and how you position your wrists at your keyboard can be a reason. The telltale signs of exertion would be a tingling sensation or numbness. One should not ignore initial signs. Make sure that you rest your wrist at regular intervals. To relieve tension quickly fold your hands in a NAMASTE in front of your chest with elbows moving out and lower your hands till you feel a good stretch in your wrists. Also rotating your fists inside and outside provides much relief to strained wrists.

4. Since those who work on desks spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen, they are at a risk of straining their eyes. This may also lead to dry eyes and fatigue. Poor eyesight is the result of continued and improper exposure to screens. Keeping the computer screen at an optimal distance helps a lot in minimising strain to eyes. The screen shouldn’t be too close or too far. To ease eye strain use good lighting and make it a point to look at a distance away from your screen every twenty to thirty minutes.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and subheadings.

Use recognisable abbreviations and a format you consider suitable. Also, supply a title to it.

(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made.


(a) Health and Wellness for Desk users

1. Correct posture

1.1 Place chair corr’ly for neck and back

1.2 Don’t hang legs

1.3 Excises & abdom’l crunches

1.4 Choose chairs with support from upper back

2. Maintaining wrist flexibility

2.1 Wrong position can cause wrist damg, cause tingling

2.2. Relax wrists reg’ly in Namaste position and stretch

2.3 Rotate wrists inside and outside.

3. Preventing eye strain

3.1 Eye strain can cause dry eyes and fatigue

3.2 Keep computer screen at an optimal distance to prevent poor eyesight

3.3 Use good light’g

3.4 Look at a distant spot every 20-30 minutes.

Key to the Abbreviations Used

1. corr’ly – correctly

2. ex’cises – exercises

3. abdom’l – abdominal

4. damg – damage

5. reg’ly – regularly

6. light’g – lighting

(b) Summary

Desk users are at risk of losing flexibility, mobility, and wellness due to long working hours. Good selection of office chairs and proper posture are essential for neck and back health. Damage to the wrists can be prevented by exercising them frequently. Eyes too are at a risk due to looking at the computer screen for long. Optimal distance from the screen will prevent fatigue, dry eyes and poor vision. Good lighting is essential. One should look away from the screen every 20-30 minutes.

3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [NCT 2017]

1. Jahangir was born on 30 August 1569, to Akbar, the Mughal Emperor, and his Hindu wife, Jodha Bai. He was crowned on 24 October 1605. In the twenty-two years, he was Emperor, till his death on 28 October 1627, he had many battles to fight and many rebellions to suppress. But he always found time for his greatest hobby-the study of animals and plants. He was an avid bird watcher or an ornithologist as he would be called now, and a keen naturalist. The care and accuracy with which Jahangir described various characteristics of animals and birds, their geographical distribution and behaviour, would have done credit to a full-time naturalist. His observations are recorded in his memoirs, the Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri.

2. Jahangir had a small zoo and he would spend hours-sometimes days and nights together-on his observations. For the first time in the history- of ornithology, he noted how sarus cranes mate brood over their eggs in turn, and how chicks are hatched and taken care of. He also observed one human quality in this bird: the parents love not only their eggs and chicks but also each other.

3. The Emperor had several famous painters in his court. When he came across a rare animal, bird or plant, he would instruct an artist to draw it. The painter who excelled in this art was Ustad Mansur. For modern ornithologists, Jahangir’s collection of paintings provides a strikingly accurate description of the natural history of the day. Unfortunately, most of these paintings are no longer to be found in India. With the disintegration of the Mughal Empire, foreign adventures looted this treasure. Most of the paintings were thus lost.

4. In 1958, a Russian researcher, A Ivanoc, created a sensation when he discovered, a rare portrait of the dodo, a large non-flying pigeon-like bird, which became extinct about three centuries ago. This portrait was found in a collection of paintings at the Institute of Orientalists of Soviet Academy of Sciences. There was no way of identifying the painter, but the style, without doubt was that of Ustad Mansur. Now there is evidence to show that it was the portrait of Mauritian dodo that was presented to Emperor Jahangir around 1624. Over three centuries after their death, Jahangir and his dodo made a dramatic reappearance in the world of ornithology!

5. Jahangir also loved gardens, but his dissertations in botany and horticulture were mostly confined to how a lotus traps hornets or how saffron sprouts from soil. However, he was responsible for the cultivation of high altitude trees such as the cypress, juniper, pine and Javanse sandal in plains.

6. Jahangir had many other scientific interests. He once conducted an experiment to show that the air of Mahmudabad (in Gujrat) was healthier than that of Ahmedabad. He was fascinated by the movement of the stars and the planets and used to regularly record the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses. When a comet made its appearance, he recorded the growth and decay of its tail.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it in points. Also, suggest a suitable title.

(b) Write a summary of the passage in not more than 80 words using the notes made.

4. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. When planning to go on a vacation, the tendency is to make sure that the travel plans are hassle free, before stepping out of one’s doors. This involves booking by train, bus or even by air to one’s chosen destination. Yet the greatest holidays can be enjoyed by going on foot and I am not referring to trekking expeditions into the wilds. Any holiday can be made into a walking trip by opting out of a bus ride or a train journey or a taxi drop, by selecting to go on foot. Besides, walking is a great form of exercise and, above all, helps you to go deep into the local culture, the daily lives of people, their food and their music.

2. Walking helps you enhance the adventurous streak in you. If you are out on a beach holiday, instead of workouts at the gym, head out to the water for your exercise. Resort pools are a great way to have fun and stay fit and are suitable for all ages. Wake up early to start your day with a swim and you can also recruit family and friends to join in to make the activity even more interesting.

3. The best holiday destinations need not be those that the travel brochures advertise. It can be one of your own search, if you take advantage of what an area is known for and then set out to explore it on your own terms. Thus you can learn tai chi when on a trip to China or smarten up your dancing skills by trying out flamenco when in Spain.

4. In order to enjoy a walking holiday to the hilt, one needs to be physically in form. Thus one needs to keep a tab on one’s diet when on holiday. The travel brochures give you a choice of tried-out brands with a peppering of local options. But whatever be your choice, it is smart to stick to the rule book. In every place you are sure to find fresh and healthy high-protein, high- fibre options to fill you up. That will keep you away from opting for the high sugar, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates.

5. These simple rules would ensure that your walking holiday was not only enjoyable but one that left you feeling fully in command of your holiday mood and proved economical as you did not waste a single moment nursing an upset belly or a sluggish day or a boring ride across acres of , non-stimulating countryside, cooped in a taxi or jostling on a train.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it, using headings and

subheadings. Use recognisable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.

(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.

Poster Making 

1.Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books and good reading habits. You may use slogans.

2.As the manager of ‘Excellent Coaching Centre’ run by you, prepare a poster calling the attention of students desirous of attending IIT, CPMT coaching to join your coaching centre.

3.Design a poster in not more than 50 words about the need for Regular Exercise. You may use slogans.

4.Prepare a poster advising people not to take alcoholic drinks illustrating the danger of consuming alcohol. Your illustration should be in conformity with the theme provided to you.

5.Design a poster for promoting good health through ‘Health Mela’.

6.Design a poster to launch ‘Tree Plantation Campaign’ in the area surrounding your school.

7.Draft an attractive poster for ‘Save Trees, Save Earth’ Campaign.

8.Design a poster against the ill-effects of plastics on the environment. Suggest alternative solutions as well.

9.Design a poster in about 50 words to create awareness among the people of your city on the importance of following traffic rules.

10.Draw a poster on the importance of cleanliness in our life. 

Notice Writing Format

Points To Be Kept In Mind

Write the name of the organisation/institution/office issuing the notice.
The word ‘NOTICE’ is always written under the name of the organisation/institution/office.
Date of issuing notice is written on the left hand side.
Heading/subject should be eye-catching, brief and precise.
The content must include complete information.
 It must include the 7 W’s of writing (who, what, where, why, when, in what way and for whom).
The purpose of the notice should be very clear.
The name and designation of the issuing authority should be mentioned.The language used must be lucid and must be written in the third person i.e. pronouns like I, you, me, mine, your, our etc should not be used.Choice of tense will depend on the nature of the notice e.g. in a notice announcing an event, future time reference will be used more than any other tense forms.The notice should be presented within a box.

Question 1.
You are Rohan/Roma, the Students’ Representative of the School Development Committee. Next week, the Committee is meeting to prepare a Calendar of Activities for academic year 20XX-20XY. Write a notice, to be put up on your school notice board, inviting students’ suggestions on the subject.



21st February, 2021

Annual Development Committee Meeting – Suggestions Invited

            It is hereby informed that the School Development Committee is going to meet on 1st March, 2021 to prepare a Calendar of Activities for the coming session.

All those students who have creative suggestions can meet the undersigned and discuss their ideas on 25th February, 2021 in the Student Activity Hall in the zero period. Constructive ideas will be welcomed.

For further details contact the undersigned.

(Students’ Representative)

You are the Secretary of the Music Club of your school. Your school is organising its ‘5th Inter-School Music Carnival’ for the students of class VI-XII. Write a notice inviting those interested to appear for an audition in the presence of renowned singer Rehmat Ali Khan. Provide the other necessary details.

Model School, New Delhi

6th November, 20XX

5th Inter-School Music Carnival

It is hereby informed that the school is hosting its 5th Inter-School Music Carnival for class VI-XII on 10th March, 2021, at 9 AM in the Siri Fort Auditorium. All interested students may appear for the auditions to be conducted in the presence of Mr Rehmat Ali Khan, the well-known singer, on 5th March, 2021 at 10 AM in the school auditorium.

For further details, contact the undersigned.

(Secretary, Music Club)

3.On the occasion of National Science and Technology Day, the school has decided to organise a Science Fair. Kulwant, the Secretary of the Science Society, wants to call a meeting of the office-bearers of the society to discuss the arrangements for the fair. Write a suitable notice.

4. You are Abhik, the Head Boy of Kanya International School, Bareilly. Draft a notice for the school notice board, informing the Students’ Council members about a meeting with the Principal and Discipline Committee of the school. Provide the necessary details.

5. Your school is celebrating its Silver Jubilee. As the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school, you are organising a meeting Of the Students’ Council to discuss how to celebrate it. Write a notice informing the students about this meeting, giving necessary details and the meeting’s agenda.

Business Letter Writing 

Business letters


• Defective product

• Deficiency in services


Płacing order

Changes in order

Reply to order letter



• Services

• products


Sender's Address


Receiver's Address

Subject Heading


Body of the letter

Complimentary Close


Płacing order


Sender's Address


Receiver's Address

Subject Heading


This is with reference to the inquiry letter dated__________regarding the purchase of item.We would like to place an order of the following sets:

 No.   Quantity

We have already made 50% of the payment at SBI today 12:30pm. We hope to get items delivered in time. Please find attached.

Thank you 

Yours faithfully




Sender's Address


Receiver's Address

Subject Heading


I would like to inform/draw your attention to OR This is to bring to your notice_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

kindly look into the matter and do the needful/(take appropriate steps immediately.)

Yours faithfully 



• Defective product


Sender's Address


Receiver's Address

Subject Heading


I bought a( Brand Product) Model worth Rs:______ from your store_________________________________________


Please contact me at mobile no.and revert me as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,



Question 1.


You are Sahil Tuteja, the Sports Secretary of your school. Write a letter to Globe Enterprises, New Delhi, a leading firm dealing in sports goods, requesting them to supply their trade catalogue. You may mention the items you intend to buy and ask for a discount on the catalogue prices.
ABN School
10 March 20XX
Messrs Globe Enterprises
F-4, Greater Kailash-II
New Delhi
Sub : Trade Catalogue for Sports Goods

Dear Sir,

We have to buy sports material in bulk for various games and sports for our school for the new academic session beginning w.e.f. 1st April.
We are interested in cricket bats and balls, hockey sticks, balls, goalkeeper’s full kit, footballs, volleyballs, basket balls, table tennis balls and bats etc. We also need items for uniform namely, sports T-shirts, shorts and vests of different sizes.
Your firm has been mentioned to us as one of the best dealers in sports goods.
I shall be glad if you send me your catalogue together with quotations for large quantities. Please do mention the time required to effect delivery and the terms of payment. 

I hope you will facilitate business by quoting the lowest possible rates. I am confident that you will patronise us by giving a discount also.Please mention the rate of discount on the catalogue prices.

Yours faithfully,
Sahil Tuteja
Sports Secretary

Question 2.
As Krishna Kant, you had employed the services of Decent Packers, 1469, D Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi to pack and transport your household goods and car to Chennai. Complain to the manager for the late delivery of goods and damage caused to the goods.
170, Karamveer Nagar
New Delhi – 110075
4th September, 20XX
The Manager Decent Packers
1469, D Block Connaught Place
New Delhi – 110001

Subject: Complaint Regarding Late Delivery and Damage of Goods

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your kind notice that I shifted my household goods and car to Chennai and had asked for your services to pack and transport the goods. However, I regret to inform you that the package of goods has still not been delivered at Chennai even 7 days after they were sent from here. Only the car has been delivered and that too in a damaged condition. One rear door of the car has been severely damaged. It is extremely distressing to observe this inefficiency of your company.

I want to claim compensation for the damage to the car. I request you to kindly look into the matter and find out where my goods are and take the necessary steps to inform me about the status of the transfer of goods. I hope to receive an early response from your end.

Yours faithfully
Krishna Kant

Question 3.
Write a letter to the Chairman of the National Library to open a furnished library in your locality.
C /10, Sector 12 RK Puram
New Delhi-110022
7th January, 20XX
The Chairman
National Library J-17, Saket
New Delhi-110017

Subject: Request for a Library

Respected Sir,
I request you to arrange a public library in our locality. It will become a part of better civic amenities in the area. The library will help the school children as well as the college students to upgrade their knowledge for competitive exams. It would provide them a quiet peace to study. Moreover, it will be beneficial to the residents of the area for improving their knowledge. The library should have a separate section for issue and return of the books.

I ,therefore earnestly request you to look into the matter and open a branch of your esteemed library in this area. I hope to receive a positive response from your end.

Yours faithfully
Seema Yadav

Question 4.
You are Anjali/Ajay Dev of House No 101, Sector 22, Meerut. You are greatly disturbed by the insanitary condition prevailing in your city. Write a letter to the Chairman of the Municipal Corporation, Meerut, throwing light on it and seeking cooperation in keeping the city clean.
House No 101
Sector 22
Meerut – 250002
17th January, 20XX
The Chairman
Municipal Corporation
B-14, Sector 7
Meerut – 250002

Subject :Insanitary Condition in the City

Respected Sir,
This is to bring to your kind notice that our locality is in a disgraceful condition due to a lack of proper civic amenities. The streets are not swept regularly. In fact, the sweepers have not been seen from the last month. As a result, piles of garbage can be seen everywhere in society. The filth on the roads is further getting scattered by stray dogs.

It is becoming very difficult to breathe in this smelly environment. The sweepers had earlier piled heaps of rubbish on the roadside which has bred harmful insects.

 I, therefore, request you to investigate the matter and help in keeping the city clean, otherwise, our city may have a serious outbreak of cholera in the near future.

Yours faithfully
Ajay Dev

Question 5.


You are Varsha/Varun, the. Secretary of the Students’ Forum of Navodaya School, Bikaner. You have planned an excursion to Bhubaneshwar and nearby places during summer vacation. Write a letter to the General Manager, Northern Railways asking for reservation of a bogie for 60 children from Bikaner to Bhubaneshwar and back, supplying all the necessary information.

Students’ Forum

No 523/NSB/05
12 March 20XX
The General Manager
Northern Railway
Bikaner Division
Sub: Reservation of a Bogie for 60 students
A group of 60 students of senior classes of this school has planned to visit Bhubaneshwar and nearby worth-seeing spots during the ensuing summer vacation. They will be accompanied by three teachers and two attendants. The touring party intends to leave Bikaner on 15 May 20XX by Bikaner Mail in a specially reserved bogie to be linked to Konark Express at Delhi. They are likely to commence their return journey on 10 June by the same train. Please confirm whether a bogie can be reserved for them during the above dates. An early confirmation at your end will help the school authorities finalise the other necessary arrangements. 
You are also requested to supply the details of estimated expenditure with students’ concessions so that the money may be deposited well in time. A list of tour parties on prescribed proforma is enclosed.
Hoping for an early reply.
Yours faithfully,
Students’ Forum

Business letters- sample business letters

Example 6: You manage the supply of books in the school library. Write a letter for placing the order for the books to the Vikas Publishing House Ltd. (100-150 words)

Solution 6:

Delhi Public School

Sector 12, RK Puram

New Delhi- 110021



Vikas Publishing House Ltd.

Darya Ganj, Central Delhi

New Delhi- 110002

Subject- Placing an order for books for the school library

Dear Sir

This is with reference to the inquiry letter dated 15Feb,20XX,regarding the purchase of item.We would like to place an order with you for the following books.

English Grammar  Class 8th    20 Copies

English Grammar Class 9th 30 Copies

Higher Mathematics Class 11th 10 Copies

Higher Mathematics Class 12th 20 Copies

The Story of My Life- Helen Keller

Novel  15 Copies

Kindly ensure that the books are of the latest edition and in proper state. It is a request to deliver these books latest by 5 March 2021 and We have already made 50% of the payment at SBI today 12:30pm. We hope to get items delivered in time.Bills for the same shall be cleared at the time of delivery. Please offer a suitable discount on the purchase.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully


Library Manager


Example 7: Write a letter to the customer service manager of Ganesh Electronics Pvt. Ltd. complaining about a defect in the music system purchased from the store. Sign yourself as Gauri/Gaurav. (100-150 words)

Solution 7:

H.No.58 Block-D

Sector 26, Rohini

New Delhi- 110085

8 September 2020


Customer Service Manager

Ganesh Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

Rohini, New Delhi- 110085

Subject- Filing complaint for a defect in purchase no. MS-845/07/2020

Dear Sir

I hereby write to complain regarding the defect in the music system w.r.t bill no. MS-845/07/2020 purchased on 24 July 2020 from your store.

The music system worked properly for one month but it has not been functioning properly for the past three days. The sound breaks whilst the songs are being played and the system hangs multiple times. Coupled with this, the songs stop playing abruptly and require the system to be restarted. Since the music system is still in the warranty period of six months, I wish to get it replaced at the earliest.

I request you to look into this matter without any delay and provide a new working music system of the same brand. I have enclosed a copy of the bill of purchase for your reference. Looking forward to your early response.

Yours faithfully


Business Letter Writing 

1. As Avinash Aneja, librarian of Swami Vivekanand Sr Secondary School, Vikaspuri, New Delhi, you have to buy dictionaries and encyclopedias. Write a letter to Universal Book Suppliers, 14 Gali Ramnath, Chandni Chowk, Delhi asking them for a list of such books available with them, their publishers, special discounts for institutions, time taken for delivery and mode of payment.

2. You are Manish/ Manisha Verma living at 59, Saraswati Enclave, Sector 9, Rohini, New Delhi. You wish to make a pilgrimage to Badrinath, Kedarnath and Haridwar with your family of four members. Write a letter to Ideal Pilgrims Tours and Travels, D-22, Connaught Place, New Delhi, enquiring about the schedule of their conducted tours by deluxe buses to these places. Ask about the charges, staying and boarding arrangements and the total time needed for the tour.

3. You are Suresh Mathur. You bought a new scooter manufactured by Plaza Company from Pinky Automobiles Ltd, Industrial Area, Chandigarh. Three months after you purchased the scooter, the brakes failed, gears stopped working and the petrol tank started leaking. You took the scooter to various repair shops. All of them told you that the spare parts are not available. Write to Plaza Company asking them to either replace the scooter or provide the spare parts.

4. You are greatly disturbed by loudspeakers blaring at high volume, particularly during festivals. Use of loudspeakers is made without caring for the peace of local residents. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your area requesting him to strictly enforce the law which prohibits the use of loudspeakers beyond 11 PM. You are Rishiraj Narain, living at R-25, Sector 14, RK Puram, New Delhi.

5. Write a letter to- the Traffic Manager, Northern Railway, New Delhi, reporting the loss of your suitcase during your journey from Kolkata to New Delhi in Rajdhani Express.

6. You are Shobhit Sanwal, a student of class XI living in Sector 37, Faridabad. You want three books which are not available in the market. Write a letter to Atma Ram and Sons Booksellers, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi to send you the desired books by VPP.


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